Why Did Marshall Sylver (AKA The Millionaire Maker) Come Out Of Retirement And Team Up With Gloria Charles (The Co-Founder Of Financial Empowerment Institute) To Create The...

Most Incredible Seminar Ever...
Designed To
Transfer Your
FEAR Into POWER in 2-1/2 Days

Most Incredible Seminar Ever...

Designed To Transfer Your

FEAR Into POWER in 2-1/2 Days

When You Subscribe To The VIP with Gloria,
You'll Also Get Two FREE Tickets To The 'Turning Point™'
Seminar - A $999 Value FOR FREE!

PLUS You'll Get Over $16,997

Worth Of ‘PURE’ Money Making Information For FREE (Just For Saying ‘Maybe’!)

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE"
And The Gift Is Yours... For FREE!

All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE"
And The Gift Is Yours... For FREE!

What People Are Saying After Attending Turning Point™

Real Estate Business
Hunter and Debbie
Business Owners and Real Estate Investors
Jeff and Amy
Lost 45lbs and Increased Monthly Sales Volume 10x
Author, Entrepreneur

"Every Business Owner Secretly Owes Their Success To

The World's 'Greatest Hypnotist'
Who Ever Lived, Retired... And
Came Back To Give Back!"

(Even If They've Never Heard His Name Or Even Knew He Existed...)

From: Gloria Charles

Dear Business Owner:

Let's cut the chit-chat and get right to it.

If want to increase profits, at will"... to flood your calendar with MORE customers, clients, or patients than you know what to do with... to convert MORE cold customers into sales online (or off) without toiling away at the latest "tactic"... and to sell MORE info and ecomm products (even if you're still "green" around the ears when it comes to online sales)... Then you are at right place.

I would like to introduce you to my friend and mentor Marshall Sylver who has helped me in many ways take my business to the next level.

Marshall Sylver will change the way you think about business, money and wealth! By educating people on the power of subconscious reprogramming, he motivates people to take action in the present moment and change their lives in a positive way forever.


Who is Marshall Sylver?

#1 leading expert on subconscious reprogramming and irresistible influence. For over 35 years, Marshall has entertained, educated, and transformed the lives of thousands of people. He is the author of Passion, Profit, and Power, and through infomercials has sold over a million copies of his personal development programs worldwide.

When You Say "Maybe" Today, You Can Have ALL Of This...

BONUS! A Chance to Win an Elite Luxury Swiss Watch at the Event.........($999 Value)

BONUS! A Chance to Win an Elite Luxury Swiss Watch that commands..........($2,999 Value)

BONUS! Physical copy of Magnetic Marketing book........................($65 Value)

BONUS! In-Person, Half-Day Seminar with Dan Kennedy.............($18k Value)

Total Value: $19,997


(Just Cover $29.95 For Printing & Shipping)

When You Say "Maybe" Today, You Can Have ALL Of This...

BONUS! A Chance to Win an Elite Luxury Swiss Watch at the Event .......($999 Value)

BONUS! A Chance to Win an Elite Luxury Swiss Watch that commands ($2,999 Value)

BONUS! Physical copy of Magnetic Marketing book......................................($65 Value)

BONUS! In-Person, Half-Day Seminar with Dan Kennedy...........................($18k Value)

Total Value: $19,997


(Just Cover $29.95 For Printing & Shipping)

"Do you have a guarantee?"

More Than MONEY Back Guarantee

Guarantee #1 - 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Once the event commences, customers seeking a refund will need to visit Gloria Charles at the end of Day 1. You must have attended the event up until the Day 1 end of day and request your refund at the end of the day. At your option, we will apply your investment to any Marshall Sylver’s or Gloria Charles’ event, or send you a full refund. Simply turn in your name badge to Gloria Charles at the end of Day 1 and request your refund. Refunds are authorized at the event only. Complimentary enrollments are not eligible for refund.

If you are unable to attend for any reason, you may have someone substitute for your participation in the event. Email info@gloriacharles.com or text 949.539.2550 the Financial Empowerment Institute Customer Service Department at least 7 days prior to the event to transfer your enrollment. A $75 fee will apply. A complimentary ticket is valid for the event date listed only and is non-refundable/non-transferable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What's the Biggest Benefit I Will Gain From Attending the Seminar?

A: Test-drive the NO B.S. Letter and your free Marketing Secrets Letter for a full 30 days without sending us a dime. No gimmicks. Then, if you agree these two letters contain the best, most valuable business advice, and can’t wait to implement everything taught, then we’ll continue to mail you FRESH & NEW issues of NO B.S. Letter and Marketing Secrets Letter every month thereafter and bill you based on the plan you choose on the next page.

Q: What Makes the Turning Point Seminar Different?

A: When you sign up today for the NO B.S. free trial subscription, you will receive instant access to all of the free digital downloads on the order confirmation page. For the physical books, including the 600+ page ’74 Funnel Swipe File’ book, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for them to arrive.

Q: Do I Have to Be a Professional to Understand the Concepts Taught in this Seminar?

A: After the initial 30-day free trial, you’ll then begin to receive NO B.S. Letter on the 1st of each month, followed by Behind The Scenes Marketing Secrets Letter on the 14th. Please allow a day or two for shipping “wiggle room.” Our goal is for you to receive a newsletter from us every two weeks so you have something new to learn and implement so you can constantly be moving the needle in your business.

Q: What Skills Can I Expect to Learn?

Yes, it’s true! We’re not just whistlin’ Dixie over here. When you say “maybe” today, you can secure up to $19,997 of hard-hitting, in the trenches, business & marketing advice… that once implemented can and will transform your business, and in the right direction you want it to go!

All we ask is that you cover the $29.95 for printing & shipping. Like I said earlier, you’ll be receiving a “hefty” welcome package that includes my brand NEW 74 Funnel Swipe File book which is a physical copy containing 653 LARGE pages, showing you real behind the scenes of some of the highest converting funnels in all niches, including ecomm, health & wellness, finance, coaching, Internet marketing, and soooooooooo much more!

This isn’t some collection of lame PDFs you can download… I love receiving packages and I prefer physical books over PDFs ALWAYS. Keep in mind, with the small, one-time $29.95 shipping fee you’ll be able to unlock almost $20K in real, practical, and actionable business advice. Which makes the initial $29.95 printing & shipping fee seem insignificant.

Q: What If The Other Students/Participants Are More Advanced Than I Am?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Q: How Do I Register?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

I Want $19,997 Worth Of Profit-Soaring Business Strategies + Marketing Secrets… For FREE!

All you have to do is say, “MAYBE” and the gift is yours…